I have been meaning to post this for a while but I guess now is as good as any. I had promised myself no more online dating…LOL but boredom one night drove me to sign up again…..
My new attempt...singles.net
I mean am I just getting desperate? LMAO. I am at the point where casual dating is fine with me. It would be nice to meet someone that you can get to know and perhaps lead into a happy relationship but honestly I am kind of happy with my status. For once in my life sassywow is happy with being single and fabulous… A good friend, occasional sex and occasional date songs good…OK NOT REALLY but I am really not hard up for getting tied up with anyone just yet. After being involved on and off for 8 years to a man that would fuck anything with a phat ass that rolled by…I LIKE BEING FREE to have a little fun.
Anyway…absolute boredom one night drove me to sign up to singles.net. I must have logged on to the site once but after like a ton of messages I said let’s see what is waiting for me. I log on…got an email from what I thought was a nice guy… he was Latin… 6 feet… sexy as hell. He looked like a brother that could GET IT… (Ladies you know we makes these decisions in 10 second of meeting a man or viewing is pic, it is usually what comes out their mouth after that will make you say hell NAW...I will pass) anyway I proceeded to have a few conversations with him by email, we spoke by aim (I have a fake one just in case they are nuts) and then we finally spoke by phone. We were communicating for about a week and decided to set a date. I called this Negro up and he had the nerve to tell me …I just want you to know if I am paying for the date I expect sex at the end of the night. I just went silent on the phone in amazement. I mean I do not have a specified time frame on when sex should happen. If the mood and situation is right and the brothers game is tight …well who knows…LOL but don’t be making it blatantly clear that you expect sex if you pay for the date. At no point did I expect him to pay. As a rule I always leave the house with enough cash to cover all my expense… IN TRINI TERMS… VEX MONEY…. If the guy pays then it’s a nice gesture, I cover the tip and if the night doesn’t end early may I will treat for something else or maybe the next date. But this ass…was so bold about his expectancies that I simply said: Thank you for that pertinent piece of information and hung up.
What a JERK!!!!!!!!!!!
AM I DOOMED? What is wrong with men? I think I am gonna be forced to do my NYC thing and fall back on my faithful half white color half thug throwback….LMAO
No More online dating for me….Period!!!!
Monday, February 4, 2008
I expect sex if I am paying for the date
Posted by
8:44 AM
Labels: Jerks, Online dating, Sex
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Not saying that I support his perspective however I do recall wanting to go to MASA for my bday. It's a pretty expensive Japanese restaurant in NY and runs a minimum like $300-$400/person. I was going to take myself since I figured any guy taking me would DEF be expecting sex so it would be dinner and a hotel room. Mind you it probably would have been a room in the Mandarin Oriental which is in the same building but still...
I ended up getting sick that weekend and not going at all though. *sigh*
Rude and offensive and to think u actually let him hear your voice... uuughh the nerve!
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